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The 2024 Chief Student Services Officers Association (CSSO) Annual Spring Conference is the association’s premiere event designed for ALL student services practitioners. We invite administrators, faculty, staff and community leaders to submit workshop proposals for the annual spring conference to be held March 12-15, 2024 at the Hilton Union Square, 333 O'Farrell Street, San Fransisco, CA.

The conference is your opportunity to share evidence-based, action-oriented practices from your campus that relate to our conference theme - “Justice & Joy:  Transforming Systems with Purpose and Intentionality.”  We encourage proposals that promote educational equity, social justice and liberatory actions within the Student Services framework for California Community Colleges.  Submit your proposal today and contribute to our field with current practices that disrupt inequitable outcomes for our students.

Selection Criteria

We are inviting administrators, faculty, staff and community leaders to share your expertise, experiences, and ideas by submitting a proposal for a presentation, workshop, panel discussion, or poster session. Proposals will be evaluated on their relevance to the conference strands/sessions, content, originality, quality, applicability, and relevance overall connection to issues affecting the community college and the success of the students related to the conference theme – “Justice & Joy :Transforming Systems with Purpose and Intentionality." 


     Social Justice in Student Services

The Social Justice in Student Services strand seeks proposals that aim to create a dynamic space for thought-provoking discussions and actionable insights that empower attendees to advance social justice principles in their roles within student services. We invite presenters to explore topics such as inclusive campus policies, equitable access to resources, and initiatives promoting diversity and inclusion. Proposals should highlight actionable steps, case studies, and successful models that address the unique challenges faced by marginalized student populations. Additionally, we encourage submissions that engage with intersectionality, acknowledging the complex interplay of various identities and experiences.

Student Well-Being and Joy

The well-being and joy strand is dedicated to exploring proposals that prioritize the holistic development of students, emphasizing their mental, emotional, and overall well-being within the higher education landscape. We welcome submissions that delve into evidence-based practices, innovative programs, and research findings that contribute to creating supportive and joyful learning environments. Presenters are encouraged to share strategies for promoting positive mental health, fostering a sense of belonging, and cultivating environments that enable students to thrive academically and personally. Proposals that showcase successful initiatives, interdisciplinary collaborations, and creative approaches to enhancing student joy and well-being will be particularly valued.


Leadership and Change Management

The leadership and change management strand invites proposals that examine dynamic and transformative approaches to leadership within the ever-evolving landscape of higher education. We seek presentations that focus on effective leadership strategies, change management models, and visionary practices in student services. Proposals should address the challenges and opportunities that leaders encounter in fostering innovation, driving organizational change, and enhancing the student experience. We encourage presenters to share insights into building resilient and adaptable teams, navigating change with empathy, and leveraging technology for improved service delivery. Whether discussing successful case studies or presenting cutting-edge research, this strand aims to be a hub for thought leadership, fostering discussions that inspire and equip leaders to navigate the complexities of student services in higher education.

Student Stories and Perspectives

The student stories and perspectives seek proposals that illuminate the unique experiences and narratives of community college students. We invite presentations that amplify the voices of students, providing a platform for them to share their diverse journeys, challenges, and triumphs within the community college environment. Proposals should focus on fostering understanding, empathy, and actionable insights for educators, administrators, and fellow students. We encourage submissions that explore themes such as overcoming barriers, navigating academic transitions, and leveraging community college experiences as a foundation for future success. This strand aims to create a space where the richness of student narratives contributes to a deeper understanding of the community college landscape, ultimately informing strategies and initiatives that enhance the holistic development and support of community college students.

Best Practices in Student Services

The best practices in student services strand invites proposals that showcase exemplary practices, strategies, and innovations in supporting students within the community college setting. We are seeking presentations that highlight effective programs, initiatives, and interventions that have demonstrated positive outcomes in areas such as student engagement, retention, and success. Proposals should emphasize evidence-based approaches, share practical insights, and address the unique challenges and opportunities within the community college context. Whether focusing on advising, career services, or student development, this strand aims to foster a collaborative space where participants can learn from successful models, engage in discussions about replicable strategies, and contribute to the ongoing improvement of student services in community colleges. We encourage presenters to share their expertise, contributing to the collective knowledge that enhances the overall student experience in community college settings.

Conference Strands/Sessions

Submission Process

  • Submission/Presentation Guidelines

  • Proposal should address one of the approved strands or conference objectives.

  • Proposal must include participant learning outcomes.

  • Proposal must be submitted on the Proposal Submission Form.

  • Presentations are limited to 75 minutes and allow time for Q&A or participant engagement.

  • Proposals submission must be postmarked/time stamped by December 22, 2023.

  • Presenters should be prepared to present to an audience of approximately 40 attendees. Please be prepared to provide sufficient handouts for your session. Written notification on the status of your proposal will be emailed to the lead presenter by January 15, 2024. Additionally, a list of the conference workshops, presenters, and speakers will be posted to the website.

Program Policies

All presenters must register for the conference and pay registration fees, travel expenses, and any additional costs associated with their workshops. CSSO will provide all audio-video equipment.

For questions or assistance:





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Chief Student Services Officers Association

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